Web Tips

The Importance of Online Reputation Management in the Digital Age

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, a brand’s online presence is everything. Individuals and companies excel and fail based on how consumers perceive them. That’s why online reputation management is so important to brand success. We often talk about the importance of SEO and other aspects of digital marketing and have touched on reputation management. Now, […]

Podcast Marketing

Podcast Marketing: Leveraging the Growing Popularity of Audio Content

While we live with screens in our faces daily, podcasts continue to grow in popularity. Podcasts have been around for a while, but marketers, wooed by visual media, are still underbudgeting for this key market. So, let’s look at what you’re missing and how you can leverage podcast marketing to boost your brand.  What Is […]

The Four Hottest Web Design Trends in 2023

The Four Hottest Web Design Trends in 2023

Your website is one of the most important elements of your 2023 digital marketing plan. You want a site that invokes your brand’s personality and guides consumers along the path from visitor to customer. Whether you’re building a new website or giving your old one a makeover, let’s look at some of the hottest trends […]

Building Brand Trust in the Digital Age

Building Brand Trust in the Digital Age

We don’t need a fully immersive metaverse to know that our lives are dominated by digital media. Every day consumers see numerous ads as they consume digital media on social media or watch videos on platforms like YouTube. Our time spent looking at screens means that we’ve had to make big changes in how we […]

Website Design and User Experience: Tips to Convert Visitors into Customers

Website Design and User Experience: Tips to Convert Visitors into Customers

You have your company. You have your vision and mission – what’s next? Creating a website that attracts and engages customers is an important step in growing your business. However, it’s important that you create a site that isn’t just aesthetically pleasing but usable and directed. Let’s look at how we take web design principles […]


10 Branding Tips for a Better Company Image

Brand building is essential to any company’s image. You want to be recognizable and for consumers to trust your brand. Building that image, however, takes time and forethought. We have ten simple branding tips to help you build a better, lasting company image.  Create a Clear Identity for Yourself From your logo design to your […]


Organic vs Paid Social – What’s the Difference?

Whether you’re creating, growing, or revamping your social media presence, you’ve undoubtedly encountered an important question. Should you pay for social media promotions? The debate about the effectiveness of organic vs paid social media is a valid one. Each has its advantages. What’s the difference, and what’s the best for you? What Is Organic Social […]

SEO vs SEM: Understanding the Difference

SEO vs SEM: Understanding the Difference

The internet and search engines are a part of our everyday lives, so it only makes sense that businesses need the tools to help their sites appear in relevant searches. As digital marketers, it’s important that we understand how to use blogs, content, and indexing as well as tools like SEO and SEM – but […]

Top 10 Most Effective B2B and B2C Marketing Strategies

Top 10 Most Effective B2B and B2C Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategies are not one size fits all. Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing each have their own needs and challenges. In addition, each business has its own unique marketing focus. Whether you want your company to market according to your stated mission goals or have a niche market you want to reach with your […]

Top 3 Social Media Trends Accelerated by COVID-19 That Still Stand Today

Top 3 Social Media Trends Accelerated by COVID-19 That Still Stand Today

The Coronavirus pandemic changed the world in ways that most people never expected. In a lockdown, we found ourselves separated from the world, with only social media to serve as a window to the outside world. It was no wonder then that even stagnant platforms found themselves suddenly growing in relevancy over the past two […]