By Media Components on October 15, 2022
Whether you’re creating, growing, or revamping your social media presence, you’ve undoubtedly encountered an important question. Should you pay for social media promotions? The debate about the effectiveness of organic vs paid social media is a valid one. Each has its advantages. What’s the difference, and what’s the best for you? What Is Organic Social […]
By Media Components on October 5, 2022
Media Components is excited to share that we have been recognized as one of the premier digital marketing agencies in Boca Raton and nationally by UpCity! Although we specialize in WordPress development, our team takes pride in being able to assist our clients with a multitude of digital marketing challenges. We seek to be your […]
By Media Components on September 16, 2022
The internet and search engines are a part of our everyday lives, so it only makes sense that businesses need the tools to help their sites appear in relevant searches. As digital marketers, it’s important that we understand how to use blogs, content, and indexing as well as tools like SEO and SEM – but […]
By Media Components on August 15, 2022
Marketing strategies are not one size fits all. Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing each have their own needs and challenges. In addition, each business has its own unique marketing focus. Whether you want your company to market according to your stated mission goals or have a niche market you want to reach with your […]
By Media Components on August 5, 2022
For Immediate Release: August 5, 2022 Phone: 215-396-3311 Email: [email protected] Media Components Announces New Partnership with HubSpot Media Components has been an innovator in digital marketing for 19 years HubSpot has been a leader in customer relationship and marketing software since 2006 Media Components looks forward to their new partnership with HubSpot and how it […]
By Media Components on July 25, 2022
For Immediate Release: July 25, 2022 Phone: 561-571-8488 Email: [email protected] Media Components Celebrates 19 Years with New Branding & Expansion into Boca Raton Media Components celebrates 19 years as an innovator in digital marketing Media Components unveils their new logo & branding Media Components is expanding into Boca Raton and South Florida Boca Raton, FL, […]
By Media Components on July 15, 2022
Instagram is a challenge to master. Even people who use it multiple times a day find themselves surprised by a feature they never realized was there. That’s why we’ve put together twenty of our favorite Instagram hacks, features, and tips organized around how we use Instagram: Setup & Privacy, User Experience, and Posting. Let’s get […]
By Media Components on June 18, 2022
The Coronavirus pandemic changed the world in ways that most people never expected. In a lockdown, we found ourselves separated from the world, with only social media to serve as a window to the outside world. It was no wonder then that even stagnant platforms found themselves suddenly growing in relevancy over the past two […]
By Media Components on May 18, 2022
Who will represent your brand? It’s one of the most important choices you will make in your digital marketing strategy. Once upon a time, a company would have limited its choices to celebrities. The internet has changed that landscape, however, especially with the rise of social media. Now companies have an even more challenging question: […]
By Media Components on April 25, 2022
You know; we all know. Video ads are where to put your marketing dollars. With the changing landscape of digital marketing, though, how do you create a video ad that will convert to clicks and sales? New privacy regulations, while good for consumers has made it more challenging to target potential customers. So, how do […]