Instagram your Brand

New WordPress Website: A Quick Launch Guide

The time has come for you to embrace Instagram and since Instagram has over 400million active users, you have made the right choice in deciding to sign up. We’ve got three helpful pointers to help you through the first steps:

Your username and logo, keep it simple.

Use your company name. You want to be as searchable as possible, so don’t make it overly complicated with too many underscores… For your picture you must use your logo. You want to be recognisable to old clients and memorable to new clients. Go for a clean, solid picture of your logo that will be nice and clear when a potential client is scrolling their Instagram feed.

Be creative with your images & captions.

Use high quality images. Instagram is all about the image so don’t even consider using anything less than perfect! Experiment with different styles of images- products in action, staff shots, fun work days, the office, be creative and find what works for your followers! Like Twitter, Instagram is keen on the hashtag. This is a great tool for reaching the people that you want, so do your research into tags relevant to your brand and that are popular. Don’t be one of those people that uses too many and tags that have zero relevance- trust us when we say everyone finds that annoying.

Strike a balance between product and what we like to call “behind the scenes” shots.

Promote your products on Instagram, after all that is what you’re there for. However, do not make the mistake of pushing too much. People don’t want to constantly be bombarded by your obvious attempts to sell.
Offer insight into your brand. Show your followers the personalities behind the company. Who is that chef in your café that makes that delicious bread? or who is the guy in your store that is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to wood grains and stains? People like the idea that they “know” your company, work with it!