New WordPress Website: A Quick Launch Guide

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WordPress Web Design Bucks County Philadelphia

You’ve decided it’s time to create yourself a website… Whether you are looking to create a website for a new small business, a lifestyle blog or an online portfolio of work, there is no need to start catastrophizing about the enormity of Web Design when WordPress is available.

WordPress is one of the most popular and easy blogging and content management systems around! It takes care of all the important things that might seem complicated at first (yes, we do mean SEO)! In addition, it allows you to realise your Web Design ideas with numerous themes and templates.

WordPress will help you out a lot but we’ve also put together a handy checklist to help your launch go smoothly…

Check & Double Check Content.

When you’ve written your content for the site, check it, then go back and check again. Better yet get someone else to check too. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes or grammar mishaps. Content is key!

Check Images & Links.

A broken link is no use to anyone, and definitely doesn’t help your SEO. Take time to go through your website ensuring that all links are active. Also check that images load properly, and in the back end take time to fill out the “alt text” section. This too can improve your SEO.

Utilize The Footer.

Footers are a key area that everyone scrolls to when looking for information about a website/company. Make the most of this feature and add key items such as Social Media links, contact us and copyright notice. You’d be a fool not to.

Install Google Analytics.

This is a must. Google Analytics allows you to collect data about your site which will help you tweak the site for better performance. Simple and beneficial, what more could you want?

Backup your new website.

The last thing you want is to put in all this hard work only to lose it in some freak internet accident, so install a WordPress backup solution like BackupBuddy, and set it to backup daily! You can also review our other WordPress Security post!