Using Video For Marketing

Bucks County Responsive Web Design

Video For Marketing

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words is a video worth?

Believe us when we tell you, it can be worth a lot more than that, especially when it comes to utilizing video as a part of your marketing strategy.

With the rise of applications such as SnapChat, Youtube, Vine, Instagram and Periscope, Social Media has become a field of interesting, awe inspiring, funny, and darn right weird video content.

Global brands such as Nike, Adidas and GoPro have embraced the world of YouTube whilst fashion giant Burberry clocks up followers on SnapChat! Simply put, you cannot avoid including video elements in your marketing strategy any longer!

1. Video can work wonders for SEO.

All the popular search engines are recognizing the surge in popularity with video. With 62% of all Google searches* involving video, including video in your content can help you rank higher on the SERPs.

2. Video has the potential to increase sales.

Video has a 41% higher click-through rate** as compared to plain, static text content. Leading more people to your website via video is more likely to increase your sales. If that’s not convincing enough, according to a study by Invodo, shoppers who view video are 1.81 times more likely to buy a product or service!

3. Video can attract new customers/ clients.

Lots of people love a blog, however, for every person who does there is another who doesn’t and for them you must provide information fast. Video can help you convert 10 minutes of reading into 2 minutes of video bursting with eye catching imagery. Exploring video marketing will open your business up to potential new clients.

4. You could go viral!

You never know, as the saying goes, “You’ve got to be in it to win it!”. If you’re creating engaging video content, there may be a chance you’ll be the lucky one that goes viral.

It is predicted that by 2017, 74% of all internet traffic is going to be video, so our advice to you… integrate video into your marketing plan, and do it quickly.

*According to a report by Marketing Land.
** Stats from