Pinterest for Business – 5 Benefits of Pinterest

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Pinterest for Business – 5 Benefits of Pinterest

By now it’s commonplace for businesses to establish a Facebook and Twitter page along with a website – in fact, many businesses start with social networking, and set up a website later. Facebook and Twitter are imperative to marketing your business online these days, but there’s a newer social media marketing opportunity that you may not have considered: Pinterest.

Pinterest is similar to Twitter in that you broadcast small snippets of information for other people to like or “re-pin.” Pinterest’s setup is much different, however. Pinterest runs with the idea of users “pinning” things to virtual bulletin boards that they set up on their page. For example, one aspiring chef might have a board called “Desserts,” where they post photos and recipes of good-looking cupcakes, pies, and ice-cream, a board called “Tools of the Trade” where they post cookware they love or would love to have, and as many other boards as they want. Other users can then like their “Pins” and “Re-pin” them to their own pinboards.

5 Benefits of Pinterest

  1. It’s completely free! There’s no better price tag to start getting your business out there.
  2. Simple and clean layout: Pinterest’s design fades to the background, allowing your business and product posts to stand out.
  3. It’s all about exposure: The main social feature of Pinterest is “re-pinning,” which promotes your business to a new audience with every user who shares your content.
  4. Posting is quick and easy: It won’t be an annoyance to pin things to Pinterest. Pinning something takes just a couple clicks.
  5. Twitter-friendly: Save yourself extra clicks and log in with Twitter. When you Pin something, you can Tweet it too!

So where does your business come in? By getting involved in Pinterest, pinning up items that you sell, food that you serve, or services that you provide, and interacting with other users so that they re-pin your posts and promote your business in the process!

Media Components now provides services to help you market your brand on Pinterest and connect with your target audience. We’ll help you determine what social networks your business is a match for, and how best to approach your social media marketing. The power of social networking is that, with the right approach, your business will end up promoting itself via users reposting your content and links.

Follow Media Components on Pinterest!