Guest Blogger Series – ROI is real in Blogging

7 Points of Effective Web Design - Philadelphia Web Design

With the launch of our new website, we have decided to add another section to our blog called “Guest Blogger Series“. We will feature some of our clients and industry partners to be featured on topics related to Web Design, Social Media Marketing, Blogging & more.

Our first Guest Blogger is Craig Sumsky of Cutting Edge Entertainment, a long time client who shares some of his insights on the benefits of Blogging.


Criag Sumsky

When Denis Sinelnikov first approached me to write the inaugural blog post for his newly designed Media Components website, I was at a loss for words. Not because I was so honored (which I am), but more because I felt I’d said just about all there was to be said on the subject of blogging, which is what Denis was most likely looking for.

And then the light bulb over my head turned on.

Ten years ago, when I met Denis, he told me I needed a blog on my website. Four years later, I finally coughed up the cash to have him build it into my website, and it took a whole year more for me to actually publish my first blog post titled “Experience vs. Expertise”.

I won’t say it was easy, because I had to find a rhythm, and learn to post on a semi-regular basis. I had to find my audience, and they had to find me. In time, my staff got the spirit and began to contribute, and it wasn’t long before it snowballed. Initially, my blog was a part of my website, but today, it seems more like my website is an appendage to my blog.

So here I am, five years later. Admittedly, I publish less often than I probably should, but the seeds I have been planting over the last five years are still being searched and read today. The 400 plus web log posts I have published over tat time drives so much traffic (and business) to my website that the ROI is unquestionable.

Blogging has made doing business easier, while conveying my brand clearly, with information a prospective client can access 24 hours a day, even while I sleep.

So I sleep more.

Looking back in hindsight, the only mistake I made was not taking Denis advice four years earlier.

Media Components has without question been both a huge part of my business success, and Denis a silent partner in that success. Some would say I am a good blogger, but first I had to learn to be a blogger, which would never have happened without the invaluable help of Media Components.

The ROI is real, and it is awesome.

Craig Sumsky
Director (and blogger)
Cutting Edge Entertainment