Recently, Facebook announced the debut of Video on Instagram, a new feature designed to compete with Twitter’s Vine app. Unlike Vine, Instagram videos can be 15 seconds long, and can have a filter applied, just like Instagram photos. Like it or hate it, Instagram video will undoubtedly be a great opportunity to advertise your business with social media.
Unlike Vine, Instagram has a built-in existing social network to take advantage of, not to mention its integration with Facebook. There’s a great audience opportunity here, but to simply post ads to your Instagram feed won’t win you much social buzz.
Instead, consider using Instagram video as an extension of your other social media efforts. Establish a personal connection with your followers by showing the human side of your company. Demonstrate 15 second tips on using your product. Introduce your followers to some of the staff. Try anything that might be interesting to your followers while building upon your brand recognition and reputation.
In addition, encourage your followers to make their own videos showing how they use your product, or otherwise talking about your business. Reward the videos with the most likes with a prize, coupon, or other reward that will encourage more activity surrounding your product.
Introducing Video on Instagram from Instagram on Vimeo.
These are just a few ways to use the new Instagram features to your business’s advantage. Let us know how you’re using Instagram video and how it’s working for you by tweeting us @mediacomponents, or on Facebook or Google Plus.