Media Components Digital Agency Celebrates 18 Years & Continues Growth with Healthcare & Real Estate

The Importance of Personal Branding

Media Components Digital Agency Celebrates 18 Years & Continues Growth with Healthcare & Real Estate

In the United States, 45% of businesses fail to make it past the first five years, and 65% fail to make it past ten years. “The last year has been a real test of how progressive, adaptive, and resourceful a business can be,” said Denis Sinelnikov, President and Founder of this rapidly growing full-service digital marketing agency. “To beat the odds means providing companies with a fresh and unique perspective that offers a holistic approach to how they do business. Putting band-aids on challenges is not who Media Components is or will ever be. We have beaten the odds with a dedicated team of professionals and a consistent commitment to developing superior online marketing campaigns that build awareness quickly and convert new business”.

The success of any business relies on the vision of its leader. It is always necessary to fully understand how and why a business succeeds and fails. Understanding the value proposition that a brand brings to its marketplace is no small feat. On many occasions, companies seeking marketing assistance online have a difficult time articulating what their unique selling proposition is, so Media Components created a process through which they can assist any company by clearly defining how consumers will benefit from doing business with them. The result – a legitimate and strategic start to a successful future that is rooted in research, discussion, and testing.

This has been the game-changer and differentiator for Media Components who fends off singular requests to brands looking to simply tweak a website, dabble in the marketplace with a handful of social media posts, or help repair damaged reputations from negative online reviews. “The difference is very simple yet complex in development terms,” continued Sinelnikov, who always reverts to strategy as the bedrock of how a brand must be built and then communicated.

This unique and friendly agency serves a variety of industry and business verticals. The types of businesses served are displayed in a varied portfolio of many diverse companies.

Anyone can build a website or run a social media campaign but then miss the mark when it comes to generating high-quality leads that drive revenue and success. Building a lead generation program that results in higher conversions is what the agency focuses on. Another mandate for building successful online campaigns is expanding the client’s business development list, which is non-existent in over 80% cases that the agency faces.

The pandemic presented new opportunities for businesses in many different industries. The first was healthcare. Media Components created a new company, Curis Digital, that launched in January 2021 to help healthcare practices grow. Curis Digital focuses on assisting home care agencies, medical spas, and dental practices grow their businesses, gain more clients (patients), and recruit personnel for their practices at a time when finding the right employees is a challenge.

The second area of incredible growth has been the real estate industry. Media Components assisted struggling realtors in the residential housing market to gain more aggressive marketing positions online that would keep their agency top of mind on social media platforms. Conversely, commercial agents who were dealing with small and mid-size businesses canceling their leases due to work-at-home mandates needed to attract different buyers who could re-purpose those properties in ways that would create narrower yet acceptable pathways to keeping the doors open. In both scenarios, Media Components needed to provide engaging and inviting content to drive interest in open properties. The efforts proved to be a big success.

Media Components is poised to take on more growth after expanding into New York, New Jersey and Florida over the last year. Our commitment is to become the go-to resource for those who have struggled during this ruthless and difficult time for small and mid-sized businesses.

Importantly, the agency will continue to provide the following services:

• Strategic brand consulting services
• Web development
• SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
• SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
• Social media marketing (aggressive attention to various platforms like (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
• Reputation management
• Video production
• Content and graphic design development

For any company looking to enhance and or adjust its online web presence and search capabilities, Media Components is your go-to partner.

Further inquiries can be directed to:
Denis Sinelnikov [email protected]
215 396-3311

Rocco Iacobellis [email protected]
267 229-6203