Media Components Blog

4 Basic Steps to SEO Your WordPress Website on a Budget

4 Basic Steps to SEO Your WordPress Website on a Budget

Keyword Research There are many free tools available to conduct keyword research. Google’s AdWords researcher works well, as well as Wordtracker. Google also provides this tool to check out trends in keywords. Once you’ve found good keywords that relate to your business, focus on keywords that are low-competition. This means that if you search the […]


Redesigning Ohev Shalom of Bucks County – WordPress Web Design Philadelphia

For many community and religious centers, a website can be the most important tool to engage and inform the community. However, many of these organizations neglect their web presence – it’s not often that you’ll think of a synagogue website as an example of effective design and development. Media Components was excited to turn this […]

4 Tips for Creating Online Videos That Visitors Will Watch

4 Tips for Creating Online Videos That Visitors Will Watch

As a small business owner, you may not have thought of online video marketing being for you. The initial investment might seem too high, the equipment too expensive, but the reality is that you don’t need expensive equipment to create a compelling video that will drive traffic to you and engage potential customers. Engage the […]


Media Components is proud to sponsor PodCampEast 2012

We are excited to be part of another PodCamp event and are sponsoring this year. This will be second time Media Components is sponsoring a Podcamp Event. We believe engaging with the digital community enthusiasts and local businesses is important for building long lasting relationships outside the virtual world of Social Media. Aside from offering creative web design […]


Engaging in Social Media for Small Business – Philadelphia & Bucks County Social Media

These days, virtually every type of small business can benefit in some way from establishing a social media presence. However, maintaining that social media presence requires a significant time investment, so it’s important to make sure your business is using social media effectively. Social media is not a one-size-fits-all prescription for small businesses, and can be […]


7 Points of Effective Web Design – Philadelphia Web Design

Web design is not as easy as picking some things that look nice together and calling it a website. Special attention has to be paid not just to the look and feel of the website, but to how the visitor interacts with the site as well. In this article, we outline 7 important points of […]