Benefits of WordPress Web Design and CMS Enhanced Website

WordPress 101 For Small Biz

A website designing project may seem to be a matter of great investment and a hectic job altogether. However, in the presence of experienced professionals to get the things done perfectly, you can completely relax and get a customized website built without any hassles. When you meet a website designing professional, you will be offered several options to get an amazing look for your website. If you do not have any prior idea, then you may end up spending more or choosing an option that is not well suited for your website. The Philadelphia Web Design experts are always there for you to develop a website that can suit the pattern of your business operation perfectly.

If you are looking for an affordable website building option with very little investment, then WordPress is the ideal platform to design and structure your website. WordPress has emerged as the major website designing platform. Several well established websites including Google Ventures, Flickr, LinkedIn, Facebook Newsroom, Sony Music, My Telegraph etc. use wordpress as their CMS(Control Management System). Therefore using wordpress for your website will be considered as an apt option.

Following are some important factors that make the WordPress web design and CMS technology is the perfect option for your website as well.

Storehouse of Web Designing Options

Every business differs from the others in terms of company policies, mode of operation, target audiences and its goals. Since the website is the central object connecting you to your audiences on the web, it is very essential to design it in a way that can entirely impress them to gain maximum buyers’ response. WordPress community has unlimited options to suit different type of websites including gaming, eCommerce, social networking, trading and much more. Explore the range of free and paid customizable themes, plugins, tools and applications, and most importantly the CMS options based on your requirements. No other web designing platform can provide you so much of variety.

User Friendly Content Management System (CMS)

The website development requires the implementation of several technical applications and program code generation. The professionals employ various coding combination to bestow an astonishing design to your website with prime consideration to the interests of the niche audiences. All features and applications added to the site are aimed to provide convenient site navigation, easy product purchase and much more. However, as the owner of the website you may require to access several features on the website to edit the contents; publish updates regarding latest offers and control many other functions.
It is a matter of major investment to hire professionals for regular website updating and other issues. To prevent all these hassles, WordPress offers convenient CMS development facilities to the web designers. A customized WordPress web design and CMS allows you to conduct operations like placing new product information, changing the photos, videos, written contents and other operations without employing any technical knowledge. Even if you are a novice, you can handle all these operations without any hassles.

Suitable for SEO Operations

The HTML coding pattern employed in the WordPress web development process is convenient for search engine indexing. Whenever you add fresh contents to the website, they are indexed within a few hours and are easily detected by the Google robots. This increases your chances to improve the search engine rankings of your website more easily.

Social Media Integration

Today social media is the major weapon you can use to promote your business. WordPress allows the webmasters to integrate the new posts and important updates directly with the major social media channels automatically without the hassles of manually posting updates on each of your social networking site accounts.

Enhanced Website Navigation

Website navigation adjustments form the vital part of the site development project. With WordPress, you do not have to deal with the PHP files or JavaScript menu to update navigation links when you add new pages to your website. The links to these pages are automatically added to your website in the administration area according to the category assigned to the concerned post.

Automatic Syndication

Using the WordPress applications, you can automatically convert your posts into RSS feeds. This opportune you to syndicate the posts on your site to other niche websites and blog directories without leveraging manual efforts.

Maximum Value for Money

One of the major aspects that seem really interesting about the WordPress web design platform is that the site owners are privileged with the best of tools and applications without paying huge amount of money. WordPress offers a range of free plugins and software that can be used for executing several tasks and performing the necessary functions. You can develop a free WordPress extension equipped website with loads of customized features and 3GB space. The premium package costs $99 per year and the business plan cost around $299 per year. You can choose from a wide range of customizable themes, plugins, widgets and much more. If you are using website software like Dreamweaver or Flash, you may need to pay for the upgrades, but WordPress offers free upgrades to the site owners.

Mobile Device Adaptability

These days majority of the internet users try to log into a website using their mobile device. If you do not have a mobile version website then you can lose as much of 30 percent of the entire sales. WordPress has special technical set up to detect the type of devices used for viewing the website and configures the page settings accordingly for convenient viewing.

Enhanced Website Security

WordPress offers reliable website security solutions to the webmasters to protect the contents and valuable HTML data, etc. Effective plugins like BulletProof Security enhances you to protect your website from hacking, attacks, data manipulation etc. The software settings also supports database back up using WordPress with complete site protection.

If you are looking forward to build an awesome website to promote your product line or services, then Philadelphia Web Design professionals have the best WordPress solutions ready for you. Whatever be your budget, we are there to help you throughout out the website development project and provide you a completely customized CMS solution that you can use easily without employing any technical or programming knowledge.