Media Components is proud to sponsor PodCampEast 2012

4 Tips for Creating Online Videos That Visitors Will Watch

We are excited to be part of another PodCamp event and are sponsoring this year. This will be second time Media Components is sponsoring a Podcamp Event. We believe engaging with the digital community enthusiasts and local businesses is important for building long lasting relationships outside the virtual world of Social Media. Aside from offering creative web design services, we love to network with the leaders in the new and traditional media communities.

A PodCamp is a BarCamp-style community UnConference for podcasters and listeners, bloggers and readers, as well as anyone interested in New/Social Media. First held in Boston, Massachusetts, Podcamp has spread across the United States and the world to bring people of all backgrounds and abilities together to teach and learn from each other. Recent events have included Pittsburgh, Toronto, New York City, Munich, Atlanta, San Antonio and Stockholm.

This year, the organizers of PodCamps Boston, NH, and Philly are trying something new: PodCamp East. We recognize that times call for a little more thrifty approach to attending conferences, so rather than litter the East Coast with lots of events, we’re bringing together 3 PodCamps into one.

Come join us on September 28, 2012 and learn, share, and grow your new media skills at PodCamp East!

This year the event will happen at Delaware Technical Community College.

As the first consolidated East Coast Podcamp, we have a lot of surprises in store.  You’ll be able to learn about social media, and getting your projects found on the web.  You can learn about how to start up a business and what you need to be successful.  You can learn about how to use social media to help promote your events, projects and more, or how to help local non-profits find the volunteers and funding they need.

Delaware Technical Community College is conveniently located just a few blocks from Wilmington’s train station, making getting to Podcamp a breeze!  (Parking is plentiful as well!)  For those from out of town, we’re working on getting some great hotel deals for you, and making the whole weekend special- from a Friday Night Tweet-up when you hit town, to a Saturday Evening party, to working with local attractions to allow folks to bring family and let them enjoy Wilmington as well, if you choose.

Some of the featured speakers include:


Register for PodCampEast Here